Photographic and Filming Policy
The purpose of this document is to ensure that best safeguarding practices and procedures exist to protect vulnerable members, as well as to facilitate and enhance the operations of Garda Síochána Boat Club.
The procedures have been produced to ensure all Garda Síochána Boat Club members and rowers have a clear understanding of the policy and how it applies to their role.
This document will be reviewed on a regular basis and may be amended from time to time by the Committee of Garda Síochána Boat Club.
Garda Síochána Boat Club has adopted a policy in relation to the use of images of athletes on its websites and in other publications as part of its commitment to providing a safe environment for young people.
Garda Síochána Boat Club will take all necessary steps to ensure that young people are protected from the inappropriate use of their images in resource and media publications, on the internet and elsewhere.
This is not to prevent parents/guardians taking photographs of their children but to ensure that best practice is put in place wherever and whenever photographs and recorded images are taken and stored.
Garda Síochána Boat Club Photographic and Filming Policy
Garda Síochána Boat Club will have approved photographers and videographers at selected events and so will endeavour to:
1. Provide information regarding the intended use of photos and film taken at events.
2. We want you to endeavour to get consent. You should ensure parents and juniors consent to both the taking and publication of films or photographs.
3. Ensure the content of the photograph focuses on rowing, not on a particular child.
4. Where possible, ask for parental permission to use the athlete’s image and consult with the athlete about its usage.
5. Not approve/allow photo sessions outside the events or at an athlete’s home, unsupervised access to children or one to one photo sessions at events.
6. Only use images of children in suitable dress/kit. Group photographs involving children are preferable to individual photographs. ‘Action’ shots with athletes in racing singlets only which capture the nature of the sport are acceptable.
7. Follow Garda Síochána Boat Club’s safeguarding procedures, ensuring both the Child Protection Officer of Garda Síochána Boat Club, Children’s Social Care and/or An Garda Síochána are informed of any abuse of image use.
8. Concerns regarding the publication of images should be reported to the President.
9. Clarify issues of ownership, retention and access (by event staff and participants/parents) to the images.
10. Inform parents that while taking photographs of their own children is OK, they should respect other young people’s privacy.
11. Other professional photographers/filming/video operators wishing to record the event should seek accreditation with the event organiser by producing their professional identification for the details to be recorded. Ideally, they should request this at least 7 days working days before the event. The event organiser reserves the right to decline entry to any person unable to meet or abide by the promoter's conditions.
Should any individual have concerns about any photography taking place at an event, please contact the event organiser to discuss the matter.
Photography and Filming Guidelines
To be followed by all official and unofficial Garda Síochána Boat Club photographers and videographers at events.
· All photographers are required to sign in at an event
· All official photographers are required to display ID
· Any photograph taken should be of an appropriate nature. Any person taking inappropriate photographs will have the accreditation/registration status removed by the event organiser and the matter reported to the appropriate Designated Person/Statutory agencies.
· Group photographs involving children are preferable to individual photographs.
· If the athlete’s clothing is inappropriate do not photograph.
· If in doubt regarding the suitability of a picture do not photograph.
· Garda Síochána Boat Club photographers must comply with the Garda Síochána Boat Club Safeguarding Code including the Code of Conduct for Volunteers