Volunteer Policy
Garda Síochána Boat Club depends on volunteers to carry out its work, both in the operation of the Committee and in the carrying out of day-to-day activities. Irrespective of how a volunteer chooses to engage with Garda Síochána Boat Club, it is essential that they are consistently treated with respect and fairness, and in a friendly and supportive environment. This Volunteer Policy sets out the principles by which volunteering activity in Garda Síochána Boat Club will be managed.
Volunteer Opportunities Volunteering opportunities exist with respect to:
· Participation in the Committee as a Committee Member
· Providing administrative support
· Assisting with the running of public events
· Participating in fundraising and funding activities
· Participating in activity specific projects
· Participation in Standing Committees and other Garda Síochána Boat Club Committees
Volunteers are not employees and no volunteers are paid for the time and effort that they contribute to Garda Síochána Boat Club.
Volunteer Recruitment
The Committee welcomes volunteer participation from across the community and will assess all applications to volunteer in a fair and transparent manner. The Committee will approve appointments to the committee or the sub committees, in all other instance this authority will be delegated to the President.
Working Conditions
Garda Síochána Boat Club is committed to ensuring that all volunteers operate in a safe working environment. Volunteers are expected to participate fully in any training provided, to assist them in carrying out work activities assigned to them. When working on behalf of Garda Síochána Boat Club, volunteers are expected to take all necessary steps to ensure their own safety and that of members of the public with whom engage.
Training and Development
Garda Síochána Boat Club is committed to providing volunteers with an opportunity to learn and grow through their engagement with us. Learning opportunities may arise from participating in tasks or activities that are new to a volunteer or project management responsibilities. Each volunteer will receive an appropriate level of induction training (in keeping with his/her volunteering role).
Support and Guidance
Volunteers will be made aware of how their specific role helps towards achieving the overall goals and objectives of the organisation as set out in the strategic plan. As work-related questions may arise throughout the year, Garda Síochána Boat Club may designate a member of staff (Volunteer Liaison) to liaise with volunteers and oversee their work as appropriate. In this way, practical work-related issues that may arise can be dealt with in a timely fashion.
Recognition of Volunteers
The Committee is committed to recognising the invaluable contribution that volunteers make to both Garda Síochána Boat Club and the community it serves. To this end, volunteers will be thanked for their efforts privately and publicly when opportunities arise, and volunteers will be encouraged to attend celebrations and events organised by Garda Síochána Boat Club.
Out-of-pocket expenses may be reimbursed to volunteers, subject to the agreement of Garda Síochána Boat Club and within the terms agreed in advance. Original receipts must be submitted to the Finance Administrator within one month of being accrued for costs being reimbursed.
The organisation will ensure that appropriate insurance cover is in place to cover all volunteers.
Garda Síochána Boat Club does not provide motor insurance or breakdown assistance for volunteers using their personal motor vehicles.
Managing Difficulties
We recognise that difficulties may arise between volunteers and Garda Síochána Boat Club from time to time. Whenever possible, any such difficulties will be dealt with informally and in a timely fashion.
Disciplinary Matters
Should the behaviour or activities of a volunteer pose difficulties to the operations or reputation of Garda Síochána Boat Club, then an appropriate disciplinary procedure will be followed. The disciplinary procedure will provide volunteers with an opportunity to explain their case fully and fairly.
Grievance Matters
Should the behaviour or work demand of members of Garda Síochána Boat Club pose difficulties for a volunteer, then an appropriate grievance procedure will be followed by the Committee. The grievance procedure will provide volunteers with a fair and supportive opportunity to state their issue(s) so that they can be resolved in an amicable fashion.
In the course of their activities on behalf of Garda Síochána Boat Club volunteers may have access to information that is not intended for dissemination publicly. Volunteers are required to keep this information confidential. It is the responsibility of Committee, to determine the appropriate time at which confidential information will be released to the public, subject to adherence to any relevant legislative requirements.