Longmeadows, Islandbridge, Dublin 8
Telephone: (01) 6770127
Health and Safety Policy Statement
Safety Policy
To each member, visitor and contractor:
This document sets out the Safety Policy of the Garda Síochána Boat Club. It specifies the means provided to achieve that policy. The objective is to endeavour to provide a safe and healthy environment for all club members, and to meet our duties to members of the public and contractors who may be affected by our operations. The success of this policy depends on your co-operation. It is therefore important that you read the document carefully and understand your role and the overall arrangements for health and safety at the Garda Síochána Boat Club.
It is intended to review this statement as is necessary in light of experience and developments. It will be reviewed at least annually. All members of the club and others are encouraged to put forward suggestions for improvement to the statement.
Signed: _______________________ Honorary Secretary
Conor McShane
Safety, Health & Welfare at Work Act 2005
Declaration of Intent
It is the intention of the President and Committee of the Garda Síochána Boat Club that the work and business of the Garda Síochána Boat Club will be carried out in accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, and subsequent regulations, and that all reasonably practicable measures will be taken to avoid risk to members of the Garda Síochána Boat Club, employees or others who may be affected. The Committee have the responsibility for implementing this policy throughout the club.
It is the policy of the President and Committee of the Club to provide in so far as is reasonably practicable a safe and healthy environment for all members of the Garda Síochána Boat Club, employees and persons who come into contact with the work activities of the Garda Síochána Boat Club.
All members of the Garda Síochána Boat Club and employees at the club are expected to co-operate in carrying out this policy and to take reasonable care for their own safety, health and welfare, and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions while at the club.
The President reminds all members of the Garda Síochána Boat Club to follow the procedures which are contained in the Garda Síochána Boat Club Rules, and all statements relating to safety, health and welfare.
Where advice and persuasion fails to achieve compliance with any health and safety procedures, it will be the policy of the Committee to pursue breaches of safety regulations through disciplinary procedures.
A Safety Statement will be displayed in a prominent position beside the notice board in the gymnasium of the Garda Síochána Boat Club. Copies of it are available on request and may also be viewed on the club website.
Signed: _______________________ Club President
Brian Hoey Date: __________________
Health & Safety
Management Structure & Responsibilities
Brian Hoey
Overall responsibility for Health & Safety
Honorary Secretary
Conor Mc Shane
Day to day responsibility for
ensuring Policy is put into practice
Hon. Treasurer
Head Coach
Vice Captains
Philip Murphy
Mary Moore
Gerry Conway
Emer Hoban
Responsible for
Bar & Function Rooms,
Kitchen & Toilets
Responsible for
Gymnasium & Rowing
Responsible for
Responsible for
Jeep & Trailer
All members must:
· Be aware of the rules and procedures set out in this statement.
· Co-operate on all Health & Safety matters.
· Not interfere with anything provided to safeguard their Health & Safety.
· Take reasonable care of their own Health & Safety.
· Make suggestions to improve Health & Safety.
· Report all Health & Safety concerns to an appropriate person (above).
· Report all accidents or near accidents promptly.
Responsibilities of the Club Coaches
(Refer to the ‘Rowing Ireland Water Safety Code’ available on website)
Club coaches will:
1. Be responsible for the safety of all junior (<18yrs) persons under their control.
2. Co-operate with Rowing Ireland in the implementation of the practices in the safety manual.
3. Inform club members of the safety procedures associated with Rowing Ireland activities.
4. Ensure that club members follow safe procedures
5. Carry out a risk assessment relevant to the activity proposed to identify any unforeseen
hazards. (The assessment will take into account the ages, abilities and limitations of the personnel involved, together with the water and weather conditions prevailing or facilities available, so that a Safety Plan can be prepared and the programme of activity adjusted to suit.)
6. Ensure that every member of the crew, including the coxswain, is dressed suitably and
adequately protected for the weather conditions they are likely to encounter.
7. Inspect the rowing/sculling boat prior to launching to ensure that it is not damaged and that
riggers, stretchers, shoes, seats and rails are properly adjusted, secured and free from damage
and all boats have affixed bow-balls.
8. Inspect oars and sculling blades to ensure that they are free from damage and properly
9. Ensure that coxswains wear lifejackets or buoyancy aids. Those in bow loaders wear only
manual PFDs.
10. Ensure that launch occupants wear life jackets or buoyancy aids when accompanying crews
and at other times whilst afloat.
11. Ensure that all coaching launches and safety boats carry the required safety equipment.
12. Ensure that Considerations have been made to assist someone into the boat or for the driver to
self-rescue in the event they fall overboard.
13. Ensure all launch drivers wear a working kill-chord (dead-man) when driving a launch.
14. Ensure that any activity after dark involving coaching launches that the launches to be fitted
with lights as laid down in the International Prevention of Collision Regulations or as
prescribed by the appropriate navigation authority.
Responsibilities of the Club Safety Advisor
1. The adviser will be fully conversant with the Rowing Ireland Safety Manual.
2. Create a ‘Live’ Risk Assessment Document to assess the risks to club members and visitors both on and off the water.
3. Implement the club safety policies and procedures and monitor all aspects of health and safety within the club. including adherence to current legislative requirements.
4. Advise the club management committee on health and safety requirements, the resources required for their implementation and the on-going reviews.
5. Inspect / audit all locations and documentation to ensure that all legislative requirements are met and the necessary controls are implemented for all high-risk activities.
6. Ensure that all testing and certification for equipment is carried out as required and that records are kept.
7. Ensure that accidents record book(s) are kept, accidents are reported, investigated / monitored and the required remedial / statutory action taken.
8. Ensure that dangerous occurrences are reported, recorded / investigated and the required remedial / statutory action taken
9. Identify the clubs on-going training needs and organise the necessary training.
10. Oversee the safety arrangements for Regattas / Training etc.
11. Develop contacts with local river users group, or similar body, to assist in understanding and resolving areas of conflict between users.
Responsibilities of the Club Child Protection Officer
1. Familiarise themselves with the Sport Ireland Code of Ethics “Good Practice for Children’s
Sport” and Rowing Ireland policy.
2. To report all allegations or suspicions of child abuse to Health Services Executive and/or An
Garda Siochána.
3. Communicate with parents and/or agencies as appropriate.
4. Assist with the ongoing development and implementation of the club’s child protection
training needs.
5. Liaise with the Rowing Ireland National Children’s Officer in relation to child
protection/safeguarding training needs.
6. Be aware of local contacts and services in relation to child protection, i.e. principal and duty
social workers and their contacts.
7. Advise club officers on issues of confidentiality, record keeping and data protection.
8. Ensure all coaches of juniors and/or vulnerable adults are garda vetted/Access NI checked.
9. Ensure all coaches complete code of ethics training.
Responsibilities of Club Members
Members are reminded of their responsibilities under the
Safety, Health and Welfare Legislation
1. Read and understand club safety statement;
2. Co-operate with club officers to enable the club to comply with statutory provisions;
3. Take reasonable care for their own safety, health and welfare and that of others;
4. Make proper use of all equipment etc;
5. Make proper use of personal protective equipment;
6. Report immediately to the club safety advisor, any defect in club house, club equipment, slipway, boats, launches, engines which might endanger the safety, health or welfare of which he/she becomes aware;
7. Refrain from playing dangerous practical jokes or engage in horseplay;
8. Report any injury to him/herself, which occurs at Rowing Ireland activities, even if the injury does not stop him/her from participating;
9. Suggest safer methods for our activities
10. Attend health and safety training provided by the clubs
Junior Members
All junior members shall ensure that a Junior membership form is completed by the child’s parent / guardian.
No junior members (rowers under 18 years of age) are to be on the club premises for any reason, training or otherwise unless requested to do so by a coach and are supervised by that coach. They must not remain on the premises after the training session is over for longer than is necessary. If for some reason the coach cannot attend, the session then cannot go ahead unless arrangements are made for another coach to supervise. All coaches are approved by the committee and Garda vetted by Rowing Ireland.
Junior athletes under the age of 18 are not permitted on the water unless accompanied by a coach.
Junior members are not permitted to use any of the gym equipment (rowing machines or weights) unless accompanied by a qualified coach or supervised by a person deemed responsible by the committee.
A Juvenile Incident Report Form (Appendix A) shall be completed where any incident has occurred involving a junior member. This form should be forwarded to the Club Secretary immediately.
An Anti-Bullying Record Sheet (Appendix B) should be completed if an incident is reported to any member of the club. This record sheet should be forwarded to the Club Secretary immediately.
Child Safeguarding Statement
The Garda Siochana Boat Club provides rowing opportunities for young people through participation in supervised coaching sessions both on and off the water.
Our club is committed to safeguarding young people and by working under the guidance of Rowing Ireland Safeguarding Policies our Club administrators, Coaches, volunteers and all working with young people, throughout the Club, seek to create a safe environment for young people to grow and develop.
A Risk Assessment of Harm has been completed which indicates the areas of potential risk of harm, the likelihood of the risk occurring, and gives the required policy, guidance or process documents required to alleviate these risks. The list of risks identified are contained in the following categories: Club and Coaching Practices; Complaints and Discipline; Reporting Procedures; Use of Facilities; Recruitment; Communications; and General Risk of Harm.
The Risk Assessment was undertaken on………….. by …………………
Our Child Safeguarding Statement has been developed in line with the requirements under the Children First Act 2015, (the Children First: National Guidance, and Tusla’s Child Safeguarding: A Guide for Policy, Procedure and Practice Children (NI) Order 1995 (the legislation) and Cooperating to Safeguard Children and Young People 2017 (the guidance).
In addition to our Risk Assessment document described above, there are further procedures that support our intention to safeguard children while they are availing of our activities.
Rowing Ireland has the following procedures in place as part of our Safeguarding Policies:
· Procedures for the management of allegations of abuse or misconduct by staff or volunteers against a child availing of our activities
· Procedures for the safe recruitment of staff and volunteers to work with children in our activities
· Procedures for access to chile safeguarding training and information, including the identification of the occurrence of harm
· Procedure for reporting of Safeguarding or welfare concerns to Statutory Authorities
The mandated Person for Rowing Ireland is Tom Fennessey.
We recognise that the implementation of the Rowing Ireland Safeguarding Plan is an ongoing process. Our club is committed to this implementation as of this Child Safeguarding Statement and the procedures that support out intention to keep young people safe from harm while availing of our activities.
This Child Safeguarding Statement will be reviewed by the Club Captain.
(Must be reviewed every 2 years)
Name: Mary Moore, Club Captain.
Signed:________________________ Date:_____________________
Name: Declan Donodhue Club Children’s Officer
Signed: ________________________ Date:_____________________
For queries on this Child Safeguarding Statement, please contact:
Club Children’s Officer – as above.
Accidents & First Aid
1. First Aid Boxes are located at:
· Bar
· Kitchen
· Changing Room (Mens)
· Boathouse
· Jeep
2. The following are qualified First Aiders:
· The Captain
· The Hon. Treasurer
These members are to undergo refresher courses at least every three years.
3. In the event of an incident resulting in first aid being administered, the First Aider shall complete an Incident/Accident Report Form (attached). The completed form is to be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary so that all completed forms are recorded and filed in the Incident/Accident folder.
4. The Hon. Secretary is responsible for maintaining supplies for all the First Aid Boxes and is to check them weekly. Persons using the First Aid Boxes will notify the Hon. Secretary of any item used, in order to replenish supplies.
5. All accidents or near accidents are to be recorded on an ‘Incident/Accident Report Form’. All completed forms are to be recorded and filed by the Hon. Secretary and kept for a minimum period of ten years.
6. The Hon. Secretary is responsible for reporting any reportable accidents or dangerous occurrences to the Health & Safety Authority.
7. There are notices prominently displayed throughout the Boat Club, stating where First Aid boxes are located.
Accident and Incident Guidelines
1. Stay calm but act swiftly and observe the situation. Is there danger of further injuries?
2. Listen to what the injured person is saying.
3. Alert the first aider who should take appropriate action for minor injuries.
4. In the event of an injury requiring specialist treatment, call the emergency services.
5. Deal with the rest of the group and ensure that they are adequately supervised.
6. Do not move someone with major injuries. Wait for the emergency medics.
7. Contact the injured person's parent/carer.
8. Complete an accident report form.
1. Record all incidents reported or observed on an Incident Form.
2. Inform designated person ASAP.
3. Consultation with Gateway team/ PSNI if required.
4. 1 copy to designated safeguarding children officer within 24 hours.
5. Ensure confidentiality - only "need to know basis" (reference Confidentiality Statement in the Safeguarding Policy).
6. Inform parents, unless to do so may put the child at further risk.
7. The Designated Safeguarding Children Officer (DSCO) will be responsible for storing any report in a safe and secure environment.
General Arrangements
1. The Garda Síochána Boat Club is to be kept in a safe, clean and orderly condition at all times. This is to be achieved by the following means:
· All walkways and paths are kept free from obstacles and maintained in a safe condition.
· All spillages and leakages will be dealt with immediately. The appropriate equipment is provided for this purpose, ie brushes, mops, etc.
· Items should be properly secure, placed on shelves, or put away, so that they cannot injure any person.
· All corridors, stairways and exits are to be adequately lit and kept free of obstacles.
· Restricted areas are to be secured and properly sign-posted. No unauthorised persons will be allowed in restricted areas.
· A safe means of access and egress to the premises is provided.
2. A folder is to be maintained by the Hon. Secretary, containing all ‘Material Safety Data Sheets’ (M.S.D.S.). This folder is to be read by all persons handling/using any item requiring safety instructions, eg persons cleaning must read instructions about any cleaning agents used.
3. The business of the GSBC, for the purposes of this Safety Statement, is divided up as follows:
Area Responsible Person
· The Members Bar and Function Room. Hon. Treasurer
· The Kitchen Area. Hon. Treasurer
· The Toilet Areas. Hon. Treasurer
· The Gymnasium. Club Captain
· The Boathouse. Club Coach
· The Car Park and Green Area. Hon. Secretary
· Rowing – Training at Islandbridge. Club Captain
· Rowing – Training at Blessington Lakes. Club Captain
· Rowing – Races. Club Captain
· The Club Trailer and Jeep. Vice Captain
Bar & Function Room
Responsible Person – Hon. Treasurer
1. There are two function areas in the Garda Síochána Boat Club, a member’s lounge and the main function room.
The person responsible for these areas is the Hon. Treasurer.
2. The bar areas are to be kept locked at all times when not in use and the alarm is to be switched on. During functions the bar areas are to be manned by staff, and not left unattended.
3. The maximum number of persons permitted in the main function room is 300, and in the member’s lounge is 140. These limits are to be strictly adhered to.
4. Declan O’Keeffe is responsible for taking bookings for the hiring of any of the function areas. These bookings are to be recorded in a ‘Bookings Book’ and must contain:
(a) The name, address & contact phone number of the person making the booking;
(b) The type of function being booked, e.g., birthday/anniversary party, private function, etc.;
(c) The estimated number of guests. An upper limit should be agreed in advance;
(d) The deposit paid and total price. A damage deposit equal to the total price must also be paid before the booking can be confirmed;
(e) Any insurance details that the hirer already holds.
5. Any area used for a function is to be tidied up by the staff before going home on the night of the function, and is to be cleaned and mopped the following morning by the cleaner.
6. There is a First Aid kit kept behind the bar and it is to be used as is necessary. Any accidents or incidents are to be reported, as soon as possible, to the Hon. Secretary. See the ‘Accidents & First Aid’ section (page 12).
7. During functions, the senior bar person has overall responsibility. A member of staff is to be appointed to check all the toilets at least every 30 minutes. These checks are to be recorded on ‘Toilet Inspection Forms’ (Appendix located in each toilet area. At the end of each function all ‘Toilet Inspection Forms’ are to be filed in the folder behind the bar.
8. All entrances/exits to the Boat Club are to be lit up during hours of darkness, when the building is being used for functions. There are to be at least three door/floor staff at every function to supervise entrance/exit doors, and dance floors. In the event of any persons being refused entry or ejected from the premises for any reason, the senior bar person is to be informed on the night and a record kept in the ‘Bookings Book’.
9. At the end of all functions, the person making the booking is to be escorted through the premises and any damage is to be noted in their presence, by the senior bar person. Any damage is to be reported to Declan O’Keeffe for recording in the ‘Bookings Book’.
10. Excessive amounts of cash are not to be kept on the premises. All lodgements are to be made as soon as possible after functions.
11. All floor areas, passageways, and emergency exits are to be kept clear at all times. Any spills are to be cleaned up immediately.
12. When restocking the bar, new stock is to be stored at the rear and older stock moved to the front. The trolley is to be used when moving heavy objects, such as beer kegs. Correct lifting techniques, as instructed, are to be used when lifting any objects, such as crates of bottles or stacks of chairs (max. 4 high).
Kitchen Area
Responsible Person – Hon. Treasurer
1. The kitchen area is to be kept clean at all times.
2. Members are allowed to prepare food for themselves, for after training, provided that they
clean and clear up any items used.
3. There is a fire blanket and a fire extinguisher provided in the kitchen in cases of emergency.
In the event of any of the firefighting equipment being used, the Hon. Secretary must be immediately notified by the person using same, so that the equipment can be replaced, and a report be kept of the incident.
4. The kitchen is to be locked, to prevent unauthorised access, during all functions, unless the
kitchen is hired as part of the function.
Responsible Person – Hon. Treasurer
1. There are five toilet areas in the Garda Síochána Boat Club, as follows:
i. Male member’s toilets,
ii. Female member’s toilets,
iii. Disability toilet,
iv. Male general toilet
v. Female general toilet
2. All the toilet areas will be checked daily. They will be checked as follows:
(a) toilet roll supply;
(b) soap supply;
(c) floor clean and dry;
(d) condition of the floor mats;
(e) hand dryers operating correctly;
(f) any damage to the toilets;
3. The floors of all the toilet areas will be mopped daily and the floor mats put in place.
4. Damage to any toilet area will be noted and the Hon. Secretary informed. If necessary, lock
any damaged cubicle and erect an out of order sign.
5. During functions and events all toilet areas are to be inspected at least every half hour. The
person conducting the inspection will note the general condition of the toilet area, any action taken, the time of the inspection, and then initial the ‘Toilet Inspection Form’ provided. All the ‘Toilet Inspection Forms’ are to be collected up at the end of the function or event and kept for the Hon. Secretary for filing. A sample ‘Toilet Inspection Form’ is at Appendix D.
Responsible Person – Club Captain
1. The gymnasium and its equipment are provided for use by members only, at their own risk.
2. No member is to use the gymnasium, without having first been instructed in the use of all the
free weights and the weight machines, the ergometers, and any other equipment in the gymnasium.
3. All members will have completed an Indemnity Form.
4. All members, both experienced and inexperienced, are advised not to use the gymnasium on
their own, but to train along with other members.
5. Members are not to re-arrange equipment in the gymnasium. However, if they take out
equipment to use it, they are to put it away after use.
6. While using the gymnasium, members are to look after their own safety, and be aware of any
weights and equipment that is set out for circuit training, etc.
7. All free weights & bars, when not being used, are to be stored on the weights rack.
8. A notice board is erected beside the door to the member’s room. It is to be used for displaying
training schedules, upcoming regattas & events, and any other rowing notices.
9. All entrances/exits to the gymnasium are not to be blocked at any time, in cases of emergency.
An evacuation notice is displayed inside the riverside double doors and is for the attention of all members and visitors.
10. There is a handrail provided outside the riverside double doors and it is to be used when using
either the steps or the ramp.
11. Any equipment that is found unsuitable for use or not to be working correctly should be
identified and reported to the Captain immediately.
12. On occasions of runs away from the gymnasium, athletes are responsible for their own safety.
They are advised to:
i. Have reflective gear or lights, during the hours of darkness, to warn other road users of their presence (athletes responsible for their own reflective gear/lights)
ii. Use footpaths or tracks where possible, and not roadways; and
iii. Stay together as a group and not leave weaker athletes isolated, especially during the hours of darkness.
13. A record of all training undertaken by members, and others, is to be kept in the ‘Training
Book’. The current ‘Training Book’ is to be kept in the gymnasium
Responsible Person – Club Coach
The boathouse and its equipment are provided for use by members only, at their own risk.
1. All oars are to be carefully stored on the racks provided.
2. Storage of boats:
i. Eights are to be stored on the racks on the right hand side
ii. Fours and Quads are to be stored on the recks on the left hand side
iii. Sigle Sculls, Doubles and Pairs are to be stored on the racks provided,
iv. Any other boat (training boats) are to be stored on rollers/trestles on the floor area, but leaving a clear passageway to the rear of the boathouse.
3. When a boat is in use, its racks (or loops) should be stored out of the way to prevent accidents.
4. When the boathouse is being used during the hours of darkness, the outside halogen light is to
be switched on (switch inside the gymnasium).
5. Equipment presses are located at the rear of the boathouse and are only to be accessed by the
Captain, the Coach or a Cox. Any equipment used (eg spanners, boat lights) are to be returned immediately after use, so other members can use them also.
6. A chart is displayed on the inside of one of the sliding doors, showing what boat/s is/are being
used, and where. If no boat is being used the last member using one is to lock the boathouse and switch on the alarm.
7. A grit box is provided beside the boathouse for use on the ramp and slipway to prevent it
becoming slippery.
Car Park & Green Area
Responsible Person – Hon. Secretary
1. The car park area is provided for use by members and visitors at their own risk. There are two
notices displayed on the wall of the Garda Síochána Boat Club warning of this fact.
2. There are height barriers at both the entrance and the exit from the car park. These are well
marked with reflective stripes, warning of their position. The height of the barriers is stated on each barrier. Both barriers are illuminated at night.
3. The barrier restricting general access to the green area is to be locked at all times, except for
when collecting or returning the Garda Síochána Boat Club trailer, or other good reason. In these circumstances, it will only be unlocked for as long as is necessary.
4. The car park is marked out for car parking places. There are yellow hazard warning markings
around the container, where parking is not allowed.
5. The car park is to be inspected monthly by the Hon. Secretary and any defects found are to be
noted. The defects are to be rectified as soon as possible.
6. If any member notices any defect or hazard in the car park, they are to notify the Hon.
Secretary in order to have the defect or hazard rectified.
7. There are a number of halogen lights in the car park area and these will be switched on during
hours of darkness, when the building is being used. There are also a number of halogen lights directed onto the green area and the tarmac area on the river side of the Boat Club. These lights are on sensors and will come on if a person enters this area.
8. All entrances/exits to the Garda Síochána Boat Club building have external lighting and will be lit up during hours of darkness, when the building is being used. There is a railing provided at the double doors from the gymnasium.
9. There are two Warning Signs erected close to the river bank, warning of the hazards associated
with the river.
10. The grass area will be well maintained and mowed during the growing season regularly to
prevent any accidents.
11. The two gates restricting general access to the recycling bins, the pre-fab, and the boathouse
are to remain locked at all times. They are only to be opened for a good reason and then only for as long as is necessary.
12. There are two grit boxes provided, one beside the recycling bins and the other beside the main
door to the boathouse. These are to be used in icy or slippery conditions.
Training at Islandbridge
Responsible Person – Club Captain
1. When training is being done on the River Liffey, a proper warm up must be carried out, to
reduce the risk of injury during training.
2. When carrying out boats from the boathouse, all members of the crew must lift the boat
together, with the cox present to steer/warn of any hazards. In the case of coxless boats, all persons are to be aware of any possible hazards. The boat is to be lowered onto the water by everyone together.
3. All boats are to be launched facing downstream, ie towards the weir. Local river rules apply
when using the River Liffey, e.g. boats are to travel upstream on the south side and downstream on the north side, slower boats are to give way to faster moving boats, etc.
4. All boats are to be accompanied by a coach on the bank if possible. Inexperienced crews
(Novice standard) are not permitted to train without a coach on the bank. Any novice crew must be coxed by an experienced cox.
5. All rowers and coxes must be in good health and be able to swim 50 metres in light clothing.
6. All coxes must be familiar with the river and informed to keep well clear of any hazards,
particularly the weir. They must wear a lifejacket at all times. They must be familiar with and
follow the navigation rules of the river. They must know the usual commands for instructing oarsmen, and wear appropriate caps/visors when steering into a bright sun. They must avoid a collision if at all possible.
7. Any coxless boat is only to be used by experienced rowers (no Novice rowers). The rower
steering the boat should refer to point 6 above. They must also check their position and look
behind them at least once every 10 strokes.
8. When taking a boat out of the boathouse the boat must be checked:
(a) that there are no leaks;
(b) that all bulkhead seals are securely in place;
(c) that all riggers are attached securely and that moving parts are in working order;
(d) that all shoes have laces/velcro straps and are equipped with heel restraints;
(d) that rudders and steering are in working order; and
(e) that the white rubber bow ball is securely in place on the bow of the boat;
9. During the hours of darkness, all crews must secure the boat lights provided on both the bow
and the stern of the boat before commencing training.
10. Any equipment found to be faulty should be clearly labelled why it is faulty and left on the
bench at the rear of the boathouse to be repaired. The Captain must be informed of the fault.
11. Any boat found to be faulty should be clearly labelled and the Captain informed.
12. All boats are to be washed down and cleaned after each use, to be able to detect any damage
early, and to prevent any contamination from fluids on the boat or equipment.
Training at Blessington
Responsible Person – Club Captain
1. All the previous instructions for ‘Training at Islandbridge’ (page 11) apply here also.
2. When not in use boats are to be stored in the Garda racks of the Blessington boathouse.
3. Wellington boots are to be used by all rowers and coxes when getting into or out of the boat when the water level is lower than the slip. This is to prevent to prevent any injuries to the
foot from sharp stones, etc.
4. All boats are to be accompanied by a coach and a steersperson in a launch.
5. The cox must bring a sponge/baler at all times
6. The launch must be chained and locked when not being used. All other equipment, such as
the petrol tank, outboard engine, hoses, etc. must be locked in the equipment locker when not being used.
7. Oars should be placed under the lowest rack and kept out of the passageway between the
8. Any equipment that breaks or is otherwise faulty is to be brought back to the Boat Club at
Islandbridge and stored in the boathouse until repaired.
9. Coxes are to keep well out from the shoreline and well away from any fishermen.
10. All boats must have the appropriate bow marker in place before training on the lakes.
11. Launch plugs are to be checked after each use and any defective plug is to be replaced before
the launch is used again.
12. All outboard engines are to be serviced regularly, at least once annually.
Responsible Person – Club Captain
1. When racing anywhere, the previous sections on training at Islandbridge and Blessington must
be followed by coxes and crews unless local rules state otherwise.
2. Local rowing traffic rules must be read and obeyed.
3. Coxes and coaches must attend any appropriate meetings provided by the organisers and note
details of any hazards. If there are no meetings, then the coach and cox must get information from an official running the event about any possible hazards. Any information obtained must be passed onto the rowers so they can be familiar with hazards and traffic rules, etc.
4. Any instructions given by the organisers/officials must be obeyed.
Boat Club Trailer & Jeep
Responsible Person – Vice Captains
1. No person will be permitted to drive the Garda Síochána Boat Club jeep unless:
(a) they are insured by the Garda Síochána Boat Club insurance;
(b) they have a current valid driving licence (in the relevant category);
(c) the jeep is required for official Garda Síochána Boat Club business.
2. No person will be permitted to tow the Garda Síochána Boat Club trailer unless:
(a) it is being towed by the Garda Síochána Boat Club jeep;
(b) the driver of the towing vehicle has an ‘E+’ driving licence;
(c) all boats and equipment are secure and will not fall out of or detach from the trailer;
(d) the blue canvas cover is used and secured correctly;
(e) the safety brake line is looped over the tow hitch;
(f) the upper and lower rear lights (rear, brake and indicator lights) have been checked and
are correctly working;
(g) the spare light board is bolted to the inside of the trailer;
(h) there is an observer to accompany the driver on any journey;
(i) the first aid kit provided is in the jeep.
3. There must be at least three persons assisting in the lifting of a laden trailer when it is being
attached to the jeep. Appropriate lifting methods are to be used.
4. When not being used, the trailer will be parked beside the hedge, with the wheel clamp used.
5. The driver of the Garda Síochána Boat Club jeep must, before using the jeep, check all the lights are working,
and check that the tyre pressures, oil, brake, power steering and washer fluid levels are normal.
6. The Garda Síochána Boat Club jeep is always to be driven in a sensible manner and in accordance with the law and the rules of the road. Any drivers contravening this will not be permitted to drive the Garda Síochána Boat Club jeep.
7. The jeep is to be serviced regularly, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
8. Any faults with or damage to the Boat Club jeep or trailer must be notified to the Hon. Secretary by the driver, as soon the fault/damage is noticed, in order to have the fault/damage repaired or replaced as soon as possible.
Transport - Boat Trailer Accident Scene Management
1. The immediate accident scene will be made safe:
Driving Accident-switch off engine and applying handbrake / warn other traffic by using warning triangles / hazards lights / cones etc.
2. The driver will ensure their own personal safety and that of the passengers before assessing the casualty/ies;
3. The necessary first aid will be administered;
4. If necessary the emergency services will be notified with the following information
Type of accident
Number of casualties
Location of the accident or collection point for the casualty;
5. The casualty will only be moved if there is an immediate danger / threat to his safety.
6. The casualty will be treated for shock (he will be placed in a safe position (only when it is safe to do so) for his/her particular condition, kept warm, comforted and reassured);
7. Other employees present will provide the required assistance;
8. The Club Safety Advisor will be notified;
9. The accident scene will be preserved in any case that warrants investigation by the Health & Safety Authority;
10. All details of the accident / witnesses will be collected by site management;
11. The entry in accident book will be completed. The accident scene will be sketched / photographed
Fire Safety & Evacuation Procedures
1. The Hon. Secretary is responsible for ensuring that the necessary firefighting equipment is
obtained, suitably positioned and maintained at strategic points throughout the Garda Síochána Boat Club.
2. The Captain is responsible for the co-ordination of fire prevention activities.
3. All members are to familiarise themselves with the fire drill procedures and fire escape routes.
4. Two members from each crew will be instructed in the use of firefighting equipment and the
fire drill procedures.
5. The following firefighting equipment is provided and at the following locations:
· Fire Extinguishers: (Water) 1 in the Cloakroom,
(Foam) 1 in the Kitchen,
(Water) 1 in the Male Changing Room,
(Foam) 1 in the Members Bar,
(Water) 1 in the Gymnasium,
(Water) 1 in the Main Corridor, and
(Water & Foam) 2 in the Boathouse.
· Fire Blankets: 1 in the Kitchen, and
1 in the Boathouse.
The equipment will be maintained according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and records of
such maintenance will be kept by the Hon. Secretary.
6. Instructions on ‘procedure on discovery of a fire’ along with evacuation procedures are posted
at each entrance to the Garda Síochána Boat Club, and inside the sliding door of the Boathouse.
7. The Assembly Point, in the event of a fire or evacuation, is:
The lawn Area (in front of the river).
8. The procedure to be followed in cases of fire and/or evacuation:
· Leave the building in an orderly fashion.
· Do not stop to collect any personal belongings;
· Report to the Assembly Point;
· Do not run and do not return for anything you have forgotten.
9. If a fire cannot be put out easily by the use of fire extinguishers or fire blanket, the fire alarm should be activated and every person should leave the building.
10. Fire drills will be held twice a year and are to be organised by the Hon. Secretary.
11. The fire alarm is located in the press opposite the kitchen. There are three alarm bells, located at the boathouse, gymnasium and main function room. There are three ‘Fire Alert (Break Glass) Buttons’, located at door into boathouse / changing area, main function room and gymnasium.
12. There is an emergency door release push button, located in the main lobby, just inside the front door. There is an emergency (break glass) key to unlock the member’s door, located in the lobby beside the member’s door. The gymnasium door has a push bar to open.
Duties to Contractors
1. No contractor will be permitted to undertake any work whatsoever in the Garda Síochána Boat Club, without prior sanction being obtained from the Hon. Secretary.
2. Any contractor required to do work in the Garda Síochána Boat Club will be required to show their Safety Statement and Certificate of Public Liability Insurance to the Hon. Secretary, before being allowed to work in the Garda Síochána Boat Club. They must be FÁS ‘Safe Pass’ certified and must supply their own safety equipment and signs, etc.
3. The Hon. Secretary will show our Safety Statement (or relevant part thereof) to all contractors and get their agreement to abide by its conditions.
4. At times it may be necessary to employ contractors who do not have a Safety Statement of their own, due to the non-availability of certain contractors. These contractors will be shown the relevant portions of our Safety Statement and requested to agree to its conditions in writing.
5. A record will be kept of all work undertaken by contractors, along with signed agreements.
Duties to Visitors
1. All walking areas and paths will be kept free of obstacles and maintained in a safe condition.
2. All corridors, steps, entrances and exits will be adequately lit and kept free of obstacles.
3. Safety notices and evacuation routes will be clearly displayed inside entrance doors.
4. Two warning notices are erected and prominently displayed, one on the grass area and the other on the slipway, warning of the danger of the unprotected river bank.
5. Disclaimer notices are prominently displayed in the car park area.
Reviews & Records
1. A review of this Safety Statement will take place on an annual basis.
2. A revision of this Safety Statement will be undertaken in the event of any changes to the Boat Club, e.g. structural changes or organisational changes.
3. A revision of safety procedures will be undertaken following all accidents and near accidents.
4. All members of the Garda Síochána Boat Club are invited to contribute to any revision of review.
5. The following records will be kept by the Hon. Secretary:
(a) incident/accident folder;
(b) checks on firefighting equipment;
(c) training programmes completed;
(d) toilet inspection forms;
(e) any work undertaken by contractors.
6. The Club Captain is responsible for maintaining the ‘Training Book’ and keeping it up to date.
Juvenile Incident Report Form
Appendix A
Juvenile Incident Report Form
Report completed by: _________________________________________________________________
Position: ______________________________________ Date: ______________________________
Child/Vulnerable Persons Name: ________________________________________________________
Child/Vulnerable Persons date of birth: ___________________________________________________
Child/Vulnerable Persons Address: ______________________________________________________
Parents/Carer’s Name and Address:______________________________________________________
Date and Time of Incident: ____________________________________________________________
Your Obversations:__________________________________________________________________
Detail exactly what the child/vulnerable person said and what you said:______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Action taken so far:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Designated Safeguarding/Children’s Officer informed? ______________________________________
External Agencies contacted:___________________________________________________________
An Garda Siochana, Name of Officer & Station:____________________________________________
Details of Advice received:____________________________________________________________
HSE informed (Date, time and contact details):____________________________________________
Details of Advice received:____________________________________________________________
Rowing Ireland informed (Date, time and contact details):____________________________________
Details of Advice received:____________________________________________________________
Local Council or Education Department informed (Date, time and contact details):________________
Details of Advice received:____________________________________________________________
Signature:___________________________ Date:__________________________________
A copy of this form should be sent to Social Services after the telephone report and to the Rowing Ireland Designated Safeguarding/Children’s Officer for monitoring purposes.
Anti-Bullying Record Sheet
Appendix B
Anti-Bullying Record Sheet
Please complete as much information as possible to note an accurate account of the incident.
General details
Date and time of alleged incident:__________________________________________________
Location: _____________________________________________________________________
Who reported it to you? __________________________________________________________
What is the bullying behaviour suspected (e.g. cyber, exclusion, extortion, gesture, physical, verbal): Description of what happened: ________________________________________________________________________________
Who is involved (record of people alleged to be involved)?
Person(s) responsible for bullying behaviour: _________________________________________
Target of bullying behaviour: ______________________________________________________
Other persons present: ____________________________________________________________
Record the responses from those involved
Who spoke about it? ______________________________________________________________
Feelings of individuals involved(identify how the issue made them feel and any suggestions/fears expressed)_______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________What action did you take? _________________________________________________________ Were the parents informed, and when? ______________________________________________ What follow up is required (identify who should follow up and when)? _____________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
Further action taken (note date and what follow up actions happened) _____________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________
Form completed by
Signature: ___________________________
Name: ______________________________ Date: _______________________________